Bug Fixes:

  • Accurate reporting of machine state in Manager. The new runner now has a heart-beat service which provides active state to the manager. So, once the machine goes offline the status of the deployed bot will automatically move to not responding state.
  • The log communication layer has been completely revamped to address a bug in platform which was preventing runner in submitting logs to Manager.
  • Bug in the runner settings page was not allowing users to update the log type is now fixed.

New Features:

  • Activity and runner log entries are now segregated in Manager view logs section for users to easily track down and resolve issues.
  • A Single MSI package now supports both admin (protected mode) and non-admin (user mode) of installation.

Known Issues:

  • Robot does not move to idle state in high density environment. To work around this issue login to every account and launch the runner once so that runner task gets created.
  • If the startup icon disappears after disconnecting it from Manager. Launch Task Manager and end task RobilityRunner.exe, this will automatically relaunch the Runner.


During un-installation, the package installer would prompt to restart the system to complete the removal process, click OK to complete the un-installation. 


Please do not modify or delete the task created by Runner in task scheduler. Doing so would cause Runner to become unstable.