Step 1: Drag and drop a ÔÇ£ReadÔÇØ activity from the ÔÇ£EmailAutomationÔÇØ feature.


Declare a variable type as a list<Mailitem>, by following the below steps.

Step 2: Click on the ÔÇ£Browse for typesÔÇØ in variable type.


Step 3: Type system.collections.generic.list in ÔÇ£TypeNameÔÇØ field


Step 4: Select the list<t> and click on the System.collections.Generic.list drop-down.


Step 5: Click on the Browse for types and type Mailitem in Type name field.

Step 6: Select microsoftofficeinterop mailitem if your outlook version is 2016 and above(including office365), or else select mailitem in SmartRPAActivities.


Step 7: Click ok, the declared variable will be available in the variable menu.


Step 8: Once the variable is created for list<mailitem>, initialize a new mailitem by declaring the variable. Follow the below steps.

Step 9: Click on the ÔÇ£Browse for typesÔÇØ in variable type


Step 9: Click on the Browse for types and type Mailitem in Type name field.


Step 10: Select microsofofficeintop mailitem if your outlook version is 2016 and above else select SmartRPAActivities mailitem

Step 11: Click Ok, the declared variable will be available in the variable menu.