Version: 5.3.0

Release Date:  

Web Automation - Updates

In this version 5.3.0, issue on functionality broke when Google Chrome was updated to versions above 83, now replaced selenium web driver with Chrome Extension.

The web automation feature initially worked using selenium web driver…

Version: 5.1.7

Release Date:  

Excel Automation - Update

In this release a bug in read range activity has been corrected.

Bug Fixed: 

While executing the Read Range activity on cells with formula the activity fails and returns no values. The cause of the issue was due to the automatic calculation…

Version: 1.2.2

Release Date:  

Form Builder - Update

In this version 1.2.2 of Form Builder Automation, updates have been made to the Date picker control. The UI of the Date picker input properties has been altered, the fields ‘Maximum’, ‘Minimum’ and ‘Value’ has been re-arranged along with an option…

Version: 5.0.8

Release Date:  

SmartInteract - Updates

In this version 5.0.8 of SmartInteract, issue pertaining to the error in execution of Interact activity in  Assisted Robot has been addressed, in addition update has been made to the Get Transaction count activity.

Bug Fixed:

The issue of…

Version: 5.1.1

Release Date:  

Email Automation - Updates

In version 5.1.1 of Email Automation, a bug that was reported in “ExtractMailMessage” activity has been addressed. The functionality of the activity has not been changed and the updated version is available for use in the production environment.…