Version: 5.0.3

Release Date:  


10 Feb 2020

SmartRPA EmailAutomation.Outlook v 5.0.3  

We have enhanced the NewMail activity & Forward activity by adding the following features.

NewMail activity:

CC & BCC options are added to the following activities:


Version: 5.0.9

Release Date:  

Activity Update - Desktop Automation

This feature enables developers to build robots with an ability to perform desktop actions like window actions, open or close application, expand or collapse window, etc.  We have further extended the grouping’s capability by including the…

Version: v5.0.4

Release Date:  

PDF Automation - Updates

Release Date: 31-Dec-2019

In the MergeFiles Activity - > Property field NameList was designed with syntax to input multiple file names.

Old Syntax NameList = example.pdf, example.pdf, example1.pdf]

Issue Reported: While using…

Version: 5.0.4

Release Date:  

Excel Automation

Read workbook activity has been included to Excel automation so you should now be able to use this activity to get the sheet names from an excel file.

Version: v 5.0.4

Release Date:  

Datatable automation

Add new row - bug fixed.