In the Robility runner, certain changes have been made to the common package and scheduler.


Common package:

 •    The new validation will check if all the supporting DLLs are downloaded before executing. If the DLL files are not completely downloaded, it throws an exception to download the Xaml file and execute the workflow. 
•    Added validation in dowloading DLL's. Now once the runner is moved to Idle/ToCheck state, the runner will be quitted, and it just checks for workflow request without downloading the DLL file to memory. Once it gets a workflow request, it downloads the DLL. 


Added Validation in Scheduler. If the runner doesn’t get started, it will be restarted all over when there is huge time difference between the last updated time of the runner in the scheduler and current system time.

Known Issue:

When RobilityRunner is uninstalled, the ProgramData files are not getting deleted. Hence, the old license key will be available when the RobilityRunner is installed.