Solution Name

1.  The name which has been provided at the time of creating the solution will
be on the top of the “Solution Explorer” panel.

2.  It will be inclusive of the current solution's version number.

a.   “Solution27” – Name of the solution. (Refer the below image)

b.     1.0.0. – Version number of the solution. (Refer the below image)

c.       This version number will be revised with each new
version of the solution that is published.


3.       To gain a deeper understanding of how publishing and version control
function, you can click here.

The solution name is designed to provide a list of options that are associated with it.
Right click on the “Solution Name” to view the list of options presented.

These options assist the user in viewing solution properties, importing workflows
from another solution, and creating folders and workflows within the solution,
adding external dlls and to view the solution properties.

Refer the documentation to see how the options are utilized in the Designer.