Installation Guide

This document outlines the system requirements and installation methods of installing
Robility Designer and Runner in the infrastructure where the development and
execution of process automation should take place. Robility Designer and Runner
is offered as an MSI package, which comes with several installation methods
depending on the infrastructure, administrator preferences of the company
wanting to adopt Robility platform.

System Requirements

Runner Requirements:

CPU – 4 x 2.4GHz 64-bit (x64)

RAM – Minimum 16 GB & above

Operating System

·         Windows 10 & 11- 64 bit

·         Windows Server 2019 & above

.NET Framework – 4.8.1 and above

Web Browser –

·         Edge v115.0.1901.203

·         Google Chrome v 115.0.5790.171

Designer Requirements:

CPU – 4 x 2.4GHz 64-bit (x64)

RAM – Minimum 16 GB & above

Operating System

·         Windows 10 & 11- 64 bit

.NET Framework – 4.8.1 and above

Web Browser

·         Edge v115.0.1901.203

·         Google Chrome v 115.0.5790.171

Command Installation

You can install and update Robility Designer and Runner or change an existing
installation by running the Designer.msi and Runner.msi installer from the command
line on a specific machine.

See the following sections for descriptions of the available parameters and a few
usage examples.

Points to note

·         Authorized users of Robility Manager are allowed to download the latest
Designer and Runner MSI.

·         Access to command prompt.

·         You can run the installer in silent mode to update from an older version.

Robility Designer

1.       Create a folder to download the Robility Designer MSI

·         MD C:\Robility_MSI

2.       Download the MSI Robility Designer by login into the Robility Manager to the
below path.

·         C:\Robility_MSI\RobilityDesigner23.8.0.0.msi

3.       Execute the script as below on the local machine from the command line for
successfully installation.

·         msiexec /i C:\Robility_MSI\RobilityDesigner23.8.0.0.msi /qn /passive /l*v
" C:\Robility_MSI\DesignerInstallationLog.txt"

Points to note:

·         Elevated Privileges are required to execute these commands.

·         Access to command prompt and should be able to Run-As-Administrator.

·         You can run the installer in silent mode to update from an older version.

 For Runner

1.       Create a folder to download the Robility Designer MSI

a.       MD C:\Robility_MSI

2.       Download the MSI Robility Runner by login into the Robility Manager to
the below path.

a.       C:\Robility_MSI\RobilityRunner23.8.0.0.msi

3.       Execute the script as below on the local machine from the command line for
successfully installation.

a.       msiexec /i C:\Robility_MSI\ RobilityRunner23.8.0.0.msi /qn /passive /l*v "

Installation & File Locations

Designer Default Installation Path


File Path





Handles License and operations like open/create


Loading workflows and Installing features


WindowsSpy and related information

Product Updater

Functionality for product update

Product Downloader

Check for new version of product and features


Executing workflow from designer

License Config

License configuration

Chrome Plugin


Webautomation and Webspy related files for chrome

Edge Plugin

Webautomation and Webspy related files for Edge

Runner Default Installation Path


File Path



C:\Program Files (x86)\RobilityRunner

Helps to login to VM’s that has been logged off


Maintain communication between manager and VM


Executes workflows inherited from Runner


Check for new version of product and features


Functionality for product update

License Config


License configuration


Webautomation and Webspy related files for chrome


Webautomation and Webspy related files for Edge