Excel Automation


Excel automation in Robility refers to the use of bots to perform tasks within Microsoft
Excel without human intervention. This automation can involve various actions,
such as data entry, data extraction, data manipulation, and report generation,
using Robility to interact with Excel workbooks and worksheets.


1.    Efficiency: Excel automation in Robility significantly improves efficiency by reducing
the time and effort required for repetitive and manual tasks, thus increasing productivity.
2.    Accuracy: The Automation bots perform tasks in Excel with a high degree of
accuracy, reducing the risk of human errors that can occur during data entry and
3.    Cost Savings: By automating Excel-related tasks, organizations can save costs
associated with manual labor, especially in data-heavy processes.
4.    Scalability: Robility allows for the scaling of Excel automation. Bots can handle a
large volume of Excel-related work without the need for additional human resources.
5.    Consistency: Robility ensures consistent data handling and formatting in Excel, adhering
to predefined rules and standards.
6.    Speed: It can perform tasks in Excel much faster than humans, leading to quicker results
and shorter processing times.

Use Cases

1.    Data Entry and Extraction: The Automation bots can be built to extract data from
external sources and input it into Excel worksheets. They can also extract data from
Excel for use in other processes.
2.    Data Cleansing: Bots can clean, validate, and standardize data in Excel, ensuring
data quality and consistency.
3.    Report Generation: It can be built to automatically generate reports, charts, and
dashboards in Excel based on predefined templates or data sources.
4.    Inventory Management: The bots can help manage and update inventory or
product databases in Excel, handling tasks like adding, updating, or removing items.
5.    Invoice Processing: Bots can automate the extraction of data from invoices, such
as invoice numbers, amounts, and due dates, and populate this information into Excel
for further processing.
6.    Financial Data Analysis: The bots can perform calculations, generate financial
reports, and analyze financial data in Excel, supporting financial departments.
7.    HR and Payroll: In HR processes, bots can automate payroll calculations, employee
data updates and leave tracking within Excel.

To see the activities available in Excel automation, click on the link below.
