Form Builder


Robility provides a rich feature known as Form Builder that simplifies human and
robot collaboration. This feature allows the user to design professional looking
forms for assisted automation and customize with advanced styling options to
match the process and branding. 

It is designed to create data-driven forms quickly and efficiently. The forms are
easy to integrate and facilitate data input and validation. It allows users to create
intuitive user interface for robotic process automation. 

Usage of Form Builder in Automation

Form builders play a significant role in the automation process by collecting data
and passing values. It doesn’t only provide user interaction when required in the
execution process, but also enhance the overall effectiveness of automation workflows
by streamlining data collection, validation and reporting. 

Data Input: The robots can be automated to perform tasks to provide input to web
applications or desktop software. For e.g., Interacting with the user to provide the
data and updating it on the website or desktop application.
Data Collection: The users can create a robot to collect data or information from
websites/ desktop applications with customized forms to fill in the details and
proceed with automation.
Exception handling: The user can create a customized robot to interact when there
is human assistance required in cases that fall into an exception. Based on the
input, the workflow sequence will be decided.
Process Monitoring and Reporting: To provide insights based on the process
monitored during execution and report the details in a customized form.

