

JSON is frequently employed for transmitting data between servers and clients, as well as
for interchanging information among various components within an application.

JSON data is structured as an assemblage of key-value pairs, with each key being a string
and each corresponding value capable of being a string, number, boolean, array, object,
or null.

A valid JSON file should look like the below example.
"{'Project': 'key': 'Activation': 'Manager'}"

  • The values within JSON are presented as "InputFile," "JsonObject," and "Variable,"
    all of which should commence and conclude with double quotes.
  • It starts and ends with a curly bracket.
  • The values inside the JSONObject should be single quoted.
  • This feature supports only Json format as input files.

Below are some of the use cases where JSON activities can be used during automations.

  • REST and SOAP api when provided with JSON as response.
  • HTTP requests to web servers which gives JSON as output.
  • Web scraping from websites which gives an output in JSON format.
  • In cloud platforms like AWS, Cognitive services, Interact and Azure which provide API's.
    with Json responses.

Click here to view the Json sample file that is used in execution of the activity.

There are activities which help in automating these functions.
