
V. 1.0.6

This release contains only bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

There have been bug fixes made on the "GetCredential & UnlockCredential" activity
 has been updated.


•   When we execute the "Unlock Credential" activity along with "GetCredential" it
returns the result value as "False." Now, this has been fixed.
•   Instead of returning the "Application" details, it returns the value as "DB Name
Mismatched in Design and Run time." Now, this has been fixed.
•   While executing the “RobilityManager” activity through "Runner" it's throwing an
error message as "Tenant Name mismatched in design and runtime." Now, this has
been fixed.

Known Issue

1.    Unused variables in the "Credential" activity will not reflect when the variables
tab is opened.
2.    Getcredentials output variables were created with references, so copy-paste
will not work.

Release date