
This activity assists the user to read the entire text from the specified word
document and stores in a “String” variable. 

Technical Reference


DelayAfter: It assists the user to add a delay before initiating subsequent activities.

The delay duration here is in milliseconds. By default, it is set to "1000" milliseconds.
When the option is left blank, the delay will not be considered.

DelayBefore: It assists the user in adding a delay before starting the execution of the activities.

The delay duration here is in milliseconds. By default, it is set to "1000" milliseconds.
When the option is left blank, the delay will not be considered.

FilePath: This parameter specifies to provide the “Path” of the input word file where the text needs to be read.


You can either hardcode the values in the “String” variable or pass the values as “String” datatype.


This parameter accepts values in “String” datatype.


DisplayName: Displays the name of the activity. The activity name can be customized, which aids in troubleshooting.

SkipOnError: Specify the "Boolean" value as "True" or "False."


True: Continue executing the workflow regardless of any errors thrown.

False: Halt the workflow if it encounters any errors.

None: If the option is left blank, the activity will, by default, behave as if "False" were chosen.

Version: It indicates the version of the feature being used.


ReadText: It returns the output of the activity as the text extracted from the specified word document. It returns the output in “String” datatype.

Result: It provides the ability to view the execution status of the activity. It returns values in "Boolean."


True: Indicates that the activity has been executed successfully without any errors.

False: Indicates that the activity has been unsuccessful due to an unexpected error being thrown.

Represents mandatory fields to execute the workflow

Here's an example of how the “ReadText” activity works in the workflow –

The following is a simple example that demonstrates how to read and extract
the content from the provided input word document.

1.       Create a solution for building a workflow.

2.       Install the "Word" feature from the "Manage Features" menu.

3.       Drag and drop the "ReadText" activity onto the designer pane and set it as
the “Start Node.”

4.       Double-click the activity to provide the essential details.

a.       Here, I am providing the file path as the path of my word document to read
the text from the word document.

i.      You can also choose the file path by browsing them using the “Three dots”
adjacent to the property.

b.       Navigating to the “Read” property in the output section to declare a variable
to view the output.

i.      There are two methods to store the spied value in the variable.

ii.      Method 1: Double-click on the variable parameter in the “Output” section
and enter a name that helps you easily identify it in the flow. Here, I'm using
the name "Result" and using the shortcut key "Ctrl+Q" to create the variable.

iii.      Method 2: Click on the variable pane, enter your preferred name
(here, I'm using "Result"), and choose the data type as "String" since
the output value accepts the string data type.

4.       You can add a write log activity next to the “ReadText” activity to view
the output.

5.       Now, execute the workflow to view the results.

Below is a sample of the output of the activity.