Email Notification

The “EmailNotification” serves as a final step in “Project Configuration” steps. It
serves as confirmation that a transaction has been successfully completed. This
is especially useful for critical or high-priority transactions, ensuring stakeholders
or users are informed about the completion status.

Why do we need this step?

1.       Emails can act as a form of record-keeping. They provide documented
evidence of the completed transaction, which might be needed for auditing,
compliance, or future reference purposes.

2.       Notifications allow for real-time monitoring. In case of errors or issues,
they can trigger an alert to relevant personnel for immediate action.

3.       It improves communication by informing relevant parties about the progress,
completion, or any issues related to the transaction, maintaining transparency
within the organization or between systems.

4.       Integrating email notifications as part of the workflow can further automate
the process, ensuring that stakeholders receive timely updates without manual

How to configure “Email Notification” in your

Let’s continue from the use case, here I am going to set the email address to
notify whenever the transactions has been completed successfully or if there
are any errors thrown during the runtime.

Follow the below steps,

1.        Login to the Manager and navigate to the “Projects”where you have configured
the Interact.

2.       Click on the “SmartInteract” and choose the “EmailNotification” step.

a.       This is not a mandatory step while configuring the project. You can also skip
this step to move forward.

b.       In this case, I am going to add the “Email Address” with two different mail

3.       There will be two options available “Bulk” index and “Manual” index
notification. You can configure both of these, or you can also configure
either of them .

4.       Let’s first create the “Bulk Index” to send the notification configuration.

a.       This notification will be triggered whenever the transactions are indexed
as bulk to the project to the specified mail address along with the CC mail
addresses provided.

b.       Here I am specifying CC mail address as my mail address to send a
notification to myself every time the transactions are uploaded.

5.        Next, moving to the “Manual index Notification” option.

a.       Here , I am choosing the “Queue” name as “Completed”, so that once the
transactions are moved to completed queue, an email will be triggered for
each transaction.

b.       Next, moving to the “TO” field, you need to mention the mail address to
whom the notification needs to be triggered.

c.       Next, “CC” field, here you need to mention the “CC” mail addresses. In this
case, I left out this option.

d.       Now, moving to the “Subject” to provide the subject for the mail to be notified.
Here I am specifying the subject as “Transactions completed”.

e.       Finally, the “Body” helps you to provide the content that needs to be sent along
with the mail. You can configure the mail body as per project preference.

i.      Here I am specifying the Body as “The transaction has been completed

6.       Now, Add and save the project.