
The MasterData Configuration enables the storage of a standardized set of inputs
for processing over a specified period. It also allows modification by adding
or removing data within MasterData.

The flexibility offered by the MasterData Configuration empowers users to
swiftly adapt to alterations in input requirements, facilitating smoother and
more adaptable data processing.

How to configure the MasterData in your

Let’s continue from the use case, here I am going add the Master data in
an excel sheet.

1.       Login to the Manager and navigate to the “Projects” where you have
configured the Interact.

2.       Click on the “SmartInteract” and choose the “MasterData” step.

a.       Here I am providing the “MasterData” name as “InputFile”.

b.       Now, click on the “Browse file” option and choose the respective file
from the system folder.

c.       In this case, I am uploading the sample excel sheet.

3.       Now, click on “ADD” button and save the project.

Now, you have configured your project successfully and refer the activities
to know how to add transactions to your project.