Designer Updates


This release contains enhancements & bug fixes. 


Restarts designer on a creating new & open solution event:

  • On the launch of the Designer for the first time, clicking on create a new solution &
    Open an existing solution, it will not restart. 
  • Further, whenever we create a new solution & Open an existing solution, the
    designer will be restarted. 

The Robility Advanced spy:

  • It has been moved from "Coming soon" to "Advance Option". 

Bug fixes

The following bugs has been fixed. 

  • Publish option: Segregated the Default, Reusable Template and Project. 
  • Getting error in designer log "Error in Load Repository. Unable to find the path.
    " while opening any workflow in designer. Now, this has been fixed. 
  • While debugging a workflow when multiple workflows are opened, the debugging
    is also highlighted in another workflow which is already open if the "Run as Debug"
    option is chosen. Now, this has been fixed. 
  • Trace level log printed continuously. Now, this has been addressed. 
  • The first execution results are displayed when we select another flow to execute
    using the "Run" option from the drop-down menu. Now, this has been fixed. 
  • The dock as a document menu should be disabled for the following Reusable object,
    Invoke Workflows, Break Point & Missing activity. Now, this has been fixed. 

Release date