Robility Designer Updates


This release includes enhancements and bug fixes designed to improve your
experience and expand your capabilities on our platform.


•    When in Full View mode, the “Full view mode” option will change to
"Exit Full View mode."

Bug Fixes

1.    The issue where the Toolbox, Solution Explorer, and Property and
Reusable Object windows did not hide when clicking the "Full View Mode"
option has been fixed.
2.    The issue where copying and pasting activities from an opened read-only
workflow and saving the workflow did not update the features of copy and paste
activities in the solution JSON file has been fixed.
3.    The error in the Invoke Workflow activity related to Round trip has been fixed.
4.    In the Invoke Workflow activity, after selecting a workflow from the dropdown
and returning from the parent activity, the selected workflow name in the dropdown
can now be changed.

Known issues

1.    The Toolbox may take longer to load when exiting Full View mode.
2.    The docking panel becomes enabled after reloading the designer workflow
3.    The "Run" and "Run as Debug" options are enabled when running the
"Invoke Workflow" in Debug mode. The tooltip for Full View mode and Exit View mode
is the same.
4.    The Quick search option is disabled in Full View mode.
5.    The intelligence and methods won’t display on the first time.
6.    We cannot install designer and runner in the same computer


Release date