Robility Designer


This release contains enhancements & bug fixes.


1.    Hardware Acceleration

  • The Hardware acceleration toggle button has been added to the "Tools" menu on the
    "Home page". In order to turn on the toggle, Hardware Acceleration needs to be
    enabled. By default, the toggle is set to "Off" and it is running in RenderMode.Software.
  • A confirmation message box will appear when the Hardware acceleration toggles
    to restart the Designer and update the Hardware acceleration. Click on “Yes”,
    “No” to proceed. 

2.    Save interact key

  • The "InteractKey" tag has been added to Solution Explorer on the left-hand side. 

Bug Fixes

  • Before confirming the alert message, the Chrome and Edge folder getting removed
    issue has been addressed.
  • Version number was incomplete in the designer log. Now, the issue has been resolved.
  • Sometimes when the edge extension alone was uninstalled, it moves to no response
    state. This issue has been resolved.
  • Known Issue: The intellisense and methods will not be updated for the first time.
  • Note: Changed the communicator name in, so the existing WebAutomation
    version won't work anymore.
Release date