This activity is used to improve the quality of an image that is used for processing.

Technical Reference





BackgroundCleanAndBold: Specify True to clean the background and bold the characters.

EdgeEnhancement: Specify true to enhance the edge of the characters.

ResizeScale: Specify the resize image value.

Sharpening: Specify true to sharpen the image/characters



ImageInput: Specify the path of the image file to be processed.

InputType: Select from the drop down if the input given is in path or bytes.







Display Name: Displays the name of the activity. You can also customize the activity name to help troubleshoot issues faster. This name will be used for logging purposes.

SkipOnError: It specifies whether to continue executing the workflow even if it throws an error. This supports only Boolean value “True or False.”

True: Continues to execute the workflow irrespective of any error thrown.

False: Stops the workflow if it throws any error

Version: It specifies the version of the smart RPA cognitive feature in use.



ImageOutput: Declare a variable here to save the output file.

OutputType: Specify if the output type is in path or bytes.






Height: Height gets auto filled once the image is snipped

OnScreen: Specify true if the on-screen area has to be enhanced

UseWindowTitle: Check this box to use the window title.

Width: Width gets auto filled once the image is snipped.

WindowTitle: The window title gets recorded once the image is snipped.

X: Gets auto filled once the image is snipped

Y: Gets auto filled once the image is snipped.

* Mandatory fields to execute the workflow.

The Robility OCR Wizard

This wizard appears when we snip over or browse the input from the system. This
wizard displays the output for the snipped image or browsed image. Here you can
limit the characters , compare the images snipped with original and image run by
OCR , and customize the image properties. Also, after customizing the properties,
you can click on the option “Run OCR” to view the output in the wizard.

Use Case

The following activity illustrates how we can use the OCR activity to extract text
from an image file. Here we will be using an image which has text format in it
and using the OCR activity we will extract the text using the single text OCR method.

Steps to execute a bot

1.       Keep the image which has the text open on the screen if you are opting with
Single text OCR method.

2.       Open the Designer and create a workflow.

3.       Drag and drop the OCR activity to the workflow.

4.       The Selection wizard appears on the screen.

5.       Click on Single text OCR method.

6.       It will direct to the image and now snip over the area to be extracted.

7.       Now, the Robility wizard appears on the screen, check the output here and
click on Save button.

8.       Declare a variable in the text box of the output segment in the properties.
Here it is as “Text”.

9.       Drag and drop a write log activity below the OCR activity.

10.   Enter the same variable declared above in the input string of the write log.

11.   Enter the log level as “info”

12.   Execute the activity.

The bot executes the activity ,extracts the text from the given image
and displays it in the output box.