Notification Automation


The notification automation package consists of activities that record the robot's
actions, display required messages during execution, and enable input during
runtime. Additionally, this feature can be utilized to alert the user with messages
or prompt input.


1. Enhanced Logging: The package allows for detailed recording of the robot's
activities, providing a comprehensive log of executed tasks.

2. Real-time Visibility: Messages generated by the automation package are
displayed visibly during execution, offering real-time insights into the robot's

3. User Interaction: The package facilitates input during runtime, enabling
interaction with the robot and potentially adjusting its behavior based on user

4. Alerting Mechanism: It serves as an alert system, notifying users with
messages about specific events or conditions, enhancing situational awareness.

Use Cases

1. Error Handling: The package can be employed to alert users when errors
occur during execution, allowing for quick identification and resolution of issues.

2. Progress Tracking: Messages displayed during execution provide a means
to track the progress of the automation, aiding in monitoring and troubleshooting.

3. User Guidance: When user input is required for certain decisions during runtime,
the package can prompt users for input, making the automation more flexible and

4. Notification of Completion: After the successful completion of specific tasks or
processes, the package can be used to notify users, ensuring timely awareness
of completed operations.

5. Custom Messaging: It allows for the customization of messages, enabling the
communication of specific information or instructions to users as needed.

To see the available activities in Notification Automation, click on the link below.
