
Control flow in the Robility refers to the sequencing and arrangement of actions and
decisions within an automation process. It is a fundamental feature that allows
developers to define the order of execution and decision-making logic within an
automation process, enabling the robot to perform tasks systematically and respond
to different scenarios.

Below are the use cases of ControlFlow feature in Robility:

1.    Sequential Execution: It is used to create a step-by-step sequence of actions
and ensures that tasks are completed in a specific order.
2.    Conditional Logic: Use the "If" activity to introduce conditional branching.
For example, you can check if a specific condition is met before executing a
particular set of actions, allowing your robot to adapt to different scenarios.
3.    Looping: Robility provides various loop activities, such as "For Each," "While,"
and "Do While," to iterate through collections or repeat actions until a specific
condition is satisfied. This is useful for processing lists of items or handling repetitive
4.    Switch Case: The "Switch" activity is helpful when you need to select a specific
path based on the value of a variable. It simplifies decision-making and routing within
your workflow.
5.    Parallel Processing: Robility enables parallel execution of activities using the
"Parallel" activity. This is useful for scenarios where you want to perform multiple tasks
concurrently, improving automation efficiency.
6.    PickBranch: It is useful in scenarios where you want to monitor multiple conditions
or events simultaneously and react to the first one that occurs.

To see the activities available in Control Flow feature, click on the link below.
