Version: 1.0.6

Release Date:  

DesktopAutomationUIA3 - Updates

v.1.0.6 This release contains enhancement to improve the overall performance and user experience of the application. Enhancements Automation RuntimeUIA3 - To fulfill the need for segregating the workflow execution functionality from the activity a…

Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:  


v.1.1.0 Introduction of new activity CheckDuplicate Activity: The CheckDuplicate activity assists users in checking for duplicate transactions among those that have already been indexed.

Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:  

Release notes

v.1.0.2 Introduction of new activity ScreenRecorder: This feature enables users to record the sequence of actions performed by a robot on a computer screen, creating a video or simulation of the automated process. Limitations 1.  …

Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:  


V. 1.1.0 This release includes only bug fixes. Bug Fix Earlier, the "Get credential activity" retrieved credential key information from the first Json file inside the solution folder. This caused an exception when there were too many "Json" fi…

Version: 1.0.6

Release Date:  


V.1.0.6 This version contains only enhancements. Enhancements In the 'GetJsonObject' activity, the 'Json String' is now handled and validated with slashes ('/') and double quotes within it. Limitations In 'JSONTreeView' and 'JsonToDataset'…

Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:  

Python Automation

V.1.1.1 In this latest version, enhancements have been made to the activity. Enhancements Here are the highlights of the release: • Now, users can add a Python file to their solution using the "Import file" option in the Solution Explorer. • We h…

Version: 1.0.6

Release Date:  


V. 1.0.6 There have been bug fixes made on the "ReadMail” & “ExtractingMail" activity. Bug Fixes In earlier version of 1.0.4, when the SubfolderName value contains two folder paths ("Inbox/EmailAutomationTest") and the UnRead property is "F…

Version: 2.2.0

Release Date:  


V.  2.2.0 In this version, there has been enhancement made into the activity and other bugs fixes. Enhancements We have integrated all four-browser activity (Go Back, Go Forward, Go Home, Refresh) into one single activity named as BrowserC…

Version: 1.0.6

Release Date:  


V. 1.0.6 This release contains only bug fixes. Bug Fixes There have been bug fixes made on the "GetCredential & UnlockCredential" activity  has been updated. Fixes •   When we execute the "Unlock Credential" activity along wit…

Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:  


V. 2.0.2 This release contains only enhancement. Enhancement Added four new activities to the XML feature GetXMLObject, GetNodes, GetText, and GetAttributes. 1.    GetXMLObject: It acts as a scope activity which takes input as an XML St…

Version: 2.0.7

Release Date:  

Desktop Automation

V.2.0.7 This release contains enhancement.     Enhancement  • Element editor enhanced with variable creation and attributes displayed with their names and values.  Known Issue An issue exists when using the ElementEditor opti…

Version: 2.0.6

Release Date:  

Desktop Automation

V. 2.0.6 The release contains only enhancements. Enhancements Reusable object link and unlink option included for Window Actions of below activities. 1. LaunchApplication. 2. BringtoFront. 3. CloseApplication. 4. GetFullWindowTitle. 5. Application…

Version: 1.1.7

Release Date:  


V. 1.1.7 This release contains enhancement & bug fixes. Enhancement Initially, the exact error code of the service was not captured in the activity. In this update, the service error code will appear in the activity. Bug fixes In "Rest…

Version: 2.1.8

Release Date:  


V.2.1.8 This release contains only enhancement.  Enhancements 1.    The Move Cursor properties has been suspended for activities "Click" & "MouseHover".  2.    A tag name has been added to the "Display N…

Version: 2.1.7

Release Date:  


V 2.1.7 This release contains enhancement and bug fixes. Enhancements  1.    A new activity “Secure Set text” has been added in WebAutomation.  2.    Changed the keyword for chrome and Edge Native app. Bugs…

Version: 1.1.6

Release Date:  


V.1.1.6 This release contains enhancement & bug fix. Enhancement The "PLAINTEXT" option has been added in Rest activity under content type dropdown.  Bug Fix Under "Rest" activity, by removing the existing URL (Invoke, save, and r…

Version: 2.1.6

Release Date:  


V 2.1.6 This release contains only bug fixes and enhancements. Enhancements • A new activity “Secure Set text” has been added to the WebAutomation feature. Bug fixes •    Web Automation 2.1.4 & 2.1.5V - "Open browser" activity…

Version: 2.0.5

Release Date:  

Desktop Automation

V. 2.0.5 This release contains only enhancement. Enhancement Reusable object with element editor has been included for the below activities.  1.    Click 2.    ExpandCollapse 3.    ExtractTable 4.…

Version: 2.1.5

Release Date:  


V 2.1.5 This release contains only enhancements. Enhancements •    Integrated common Element editor window. •    Spy element details will be available in  Element Editor. Known Issues 1.    Type…

Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:  

Datatable Automation

V.1.1.0 This release contains bug fixes and enhancements. Enhancement A new activity has been added – “Output data table”, this helps to convert data table data into string with comma separated values.  Bug Fixes The Filter Table throwed…

Version: 1.1.5

Release Date:  

WebClient Automation

V.1.1.5 This release contains only bug fixes. Bug fixes REST: 1.    "Reset" functionality was not working as expected in "REST/SOAP". Now, this has been fixed. 2.    “REST"- Existing values are displayed in "Request…

Version: 2.1.4

Release Date:  


V. 2.1.4 This release contains only enhancements. Enhancements •    Integrated common Element editor window. •    Spy element details will be displayed in Element Editor Known Issues 1.    Type text u…

Version: 2.1.3

Release Date:  


V 2.1.3 This release contains enhancement & bug fixes. Enhancement •    The “Advance Web Automation” has been integrated in the release. It will be available in File Menu –Tools. Bug fixes   •    Unabl…

Version: 2.1.2

Release Date:  


V 2.1.2 This release contains only enhancement. Enhancement 1. Type text using chrome.debugger.sendCommand is only for SetText activity SendType as Character property. 2. The Spy window will be available when we click the Edit Element even when th…

Version: 1.0.5

Release Date:  


V.1.0.5 This release contains only bug fixes. Bug Fixes 1. In "Get JSON Object" scope, tool tip for "JSON input" field looks like thick black spot when hovering on it. Now this has been fixed. 2. In "JSON to Dataset" activity, table alignment was…

Version: 1.0.9

Release Date:  

DataTable Automation

V. 1.0.9 This release contains enhancement & bug fixes. Bug Fixes 1.    Earlier, the new line separator option in generate table activity was not working as expected. Now, this has been addressed. 2.    In Generat…

Version: 2.1.1

Release Date:  


V 2.1.1 This release contains only bug fixes. Bug fixes 1.    The output parameter value is cleared when the element value property is not formatted correctly. Now, it has been fixed. 2.    In the "Get Text" activity,…

Version: 2.1.0

Release Date:  


V 2.1.0 This release contains enhancements & bug fix. Enhancements 1.    Replaced SupportFunctions.dll. 2.    The LocalApplicationData(App Data) variable has been changed to GlobalVariable.DesignerSupportFilePath.…

Version: 2.0.4

Release Date:  

Desktop Automation

V. 2.0.4 This release contains only enhancements. Enhancements By enabling "Unlink Reusable Object" button on desktop activity, the user will be able to remove the object's related information and a popup menu will be enabled to display "Indic…

Version: 1.1.5

Release Date:  


V. 1.1.5 This release contains only enhancement. Enhancement The Form Builder Navigation Bar has been placed on top of the screen.  

Version: 1.0.8

Release Date:  

FS Automation

V.1.0.8 This release contains only enhancement. Enhancement The Zip activity description has been modified.   

Version: 1.1.4

Release Date:  

WebClient Automation

V. 1.1.4 This release contains only bug fixes. Bug Fixes 1. The SSL certification was not working. Now this has been fixed. 2. Using Keyboard shortcuts, the values were unable to delete. Now this has been fixed. 3. Row gets added in Input Paramete…

Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:  

Desktop Automation

V. 2.0.1 Interim Release  Reusable object option is available for Desktop Automation for the following activities. 1.    Click,  2.    ExpandCollapse,  3.    ExtractTable,  …

Version: 1.1.3

Release Date:  

WebClient Automation

V. 1.1.3 This release contains only enhancements. Enhancements 1. Added validation in save option for both REST and SOAP, when editing and saving variable in designer, it will save as string instead of variable. 2. Validation added for the Upload…

Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:  

Desktop Automation

V. 2.0.0 This release contains only enhancement. Enhancement 1. Replaced SupportFunctions.dll. for the Desktop Automation 2. Changed the LocalApplicationData(App Data) to GlobalVariable.DesignerSupportFilePath.  

Version: 1.0.7

Release Date:  

FS Automation

V. 1.0.7 This release contains only bug fixes. Bug fixes 1. Modified the zip activity with an overwrite option. 2. Zip activity, both folders and files are zipped without/with overwriting checkboxes.  

Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:  


V. 2.0.2 This version has been released with some enhancements and bug fixes.  Bug fix Added validation for GetAttribute to check if the attribute value is empty. Enhancement Removed the extension folder validation logic. Now based…

Version: 1.0.6

Release Date:  

FS Automation

V.1.0.6 This release contains enhancement and bug fixes. Enhancement  We have added an option to overwrite existing files in Zip and Unzip activity. Bug Fixes 1.    If the path name contains any blank or invalid strings, a pr…

Version: 1.0.5

Release Date:  

FS Automation

V. 1.0.5 This release contains only enhancement. Enhancement A new activity “Copy Folder” has been added.  Copying a folder to a different location is the objective of this activity. In addition, we have added a provision to overwrite existin…

Version: 1.0.5

Release Date:  

FTP Automation

In this version, there have been made a few bug fixes and enhancements. Enhancements  The "Remove directory" activity was not able to remove directories that contained subfolders. The directory will be removed even if it contains multiple…

Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:  

FS Automation

V.1.0.4 We have added a new activity in version 1.0.4. Enhancements The "Copy Folder" activtiy helps you to copy a folder to a different location.  Additionally, the activity will overwrite existing folders and files with the same name at the…

Version: 1.0.6

Release Date:  

Keyboard Automation

V 1.0.6 We have made a few enhancements in this version. Enhancements The WaitTime property in both SendTextData and ShortCutKey has been enabled. An error message "Windows not found" will appear if the target file is not opened within the wait ti…

Version: 1.2.7

Release Date:  

Image Automation

V 1.2.7 We have made few enhancements and bug fixes in this version. Enhancement Few changes have been made in the resource file to print appropriate log when the image is clicked. Bug Fix Spell corrections have been made in the log from preveiw…

Version: 1.0.8

Release Date:  

Datatable Automation

V 1.0.8 We have added a new activity in version 1.0.8   Enhancements The dataset viewer activity helps to view the output of an activity as a dataset.