OS Functions Automation


Operating System (OS) functions refer to the set of activities and functionalities
provided by Robility to interact with the underlying operating system of a computer.
These functions allow robots to perform tasks related to file and folder manipulation,
system operations, and environment interactions. 


1. Efficiency Improvement: OS functions enable the automation of various tasks
related to file handling, system operations, and environment interactions, leading to
faster and more efficient processes.
2. Error Reduction: Automation of OS functions reduces the likelihood of manual
errors in tasks such as file manipulation or system configuration, enhancing overall
process accuracy.
3. Resource Optimization: By automating routine OS-related tasks, human resources
can be allocated to more complex and strategic activities, optimizing workforce utilization.
4. Consistency: OS functions ensure consistent execution of tasks, eliminating variations
that may occur when performed manually.
5. Time Savings: Automation of OS functions results in time savings as robots can perform
tasks around the clock without the need for breaks or downtime.

Use case

1. File and Folder Operations: Activities that enable the creation, modification, deletion,
and retrieval of files and folders.
2. System Operations: Actions that involve interacting with system-level settings and
3. Resource Monitoring: Automate the monitoring of system resources and trigger
alerts based on predefined thresholds.

To see the activities available in OS function automation, click on the link below.
