Un-installation Command Line Parameters

You can remove Robility Designer and Runner by using the same MSI installer
from the command line.

See the following sections for descriptions of the available parameters and a few
usage examples.

Points to note:

·         The same version of MSI used for installation should be available in the path

·         Administrator rights are required to execute these commands.

·         Access to command prompt and should be able to Run-As-Administrator.

Robility Designer

1.       Execute the script as below on the local machine from the command line for successfully

·         msiexec /x C:\Robility_MSI\RobilityDesigner23.8.0.0.msi /qn /passive /l*v "

For Runner

1.       Execute the script as below on the local machine from the command line for successfully

·         msiexec /x C:\Robility_MSI\RobilityRunner23.8.0.0.msi /qn /passive /l*v "