
V 2.1.7

This release contains enhancement and bug fixes.


1.    A new activity “Secure Set text” has been added in WebAutomation. 
2.    Changed the keyword for chrome and Edge Native app.


•    Web Automation 2.1.4 & 2.1.5V - "Open browser" activity throws error when
opened through Incognito mode while executing the workflow in iteration. Now,
it has been fixed. 
•    Web Automation 2.1.4 & 2.1.5V - "Spy window" doesn't appear when the edit
element is selected in some cases. Now, it has been fixed.
•    Web Automation _ In "Get Text" activity, no proper validation message was
thrown for invalid URL. Now, it has been fixed.
•    Web Automation 2.1.4 & 2.1.5V- "Open browser"- While executing the
activity in runner through Edge browser, activity breaks in third iteration. Now, it
has been fixed.

Known Issues

1.    Type text using chrome.debugger.sendCommand will not work as expected
in the password input fields.
2.    Delay between characters for set text activity is not working. This will be
available in the coming version as the changes needs to be done in browser
3.    Navigate activity does not perform as expected.
4.    Spy does not enable in Web Outlook search filter.
5.    Image Automation integration is not working.
6.    Assigning variable inside the element editor is not working as expected.

Release date