
  • App now supports controls to change log level.
  • Built-in log viewer to access and view logs in restricted environments.
  • Stability improvements.


  • Special character support in email, first name last name added
  • .Net framework runtime support upgraded to 4.6.1
  • Installation check - Sentinel AI file path updated


  • User registration prompt is now set to appear in one minute intervals if user has not agreed to the consent form.
  • Bug preventing auto snap from starting when the application upgrade was done is now fixed.


  • Sentinel verson reporing made available in registered users queue.
  • "Sentinel Installation Check"has been packed with the installer to autolaunch after installation completion.
  • Removed shift validation check in Sentinel AI for processing images in client.
  • Sentinel AI download function removed from sentinel exe and retained in Vision.

New Feature: Sentinel Installation check runs a full scan on the Sentinel install path to verify if all files and services required ot run Sentinel AI are available or if they are blocked by lo

Sentinel Updates

In the version of Sentinel application updates have been made to the Application Scan and Shield applications.

Updates: When unmasking function was called Machine logon user information got displayed against the createdby or modifiedby columns in the manager, this has been updated by replacing the Primary NT user data instead of logon user information in the service that carries the unmasking details.

Application scan settings to store only the URL’s that are allowed to be accessed, other than those will be closed by the application scan. 


Masterdata shift time and off days configuration had a bug which prevented the launch of Vision and App scan it is now fixed.


  • Bug - If user does not agree to the consent form then Sentinel will not activate for the user. 
  • New* - A heart-beat service has been included to Sentinel to detect and report when the application goes offline.
  • New* - When the user declines to agree to the application consent form then the page would automatically re-launch at intervals till the user agrees to provide consent.