Attended Bot

Attended bots refer to robots that operate in collaboration with human users to
perform tasks. These are designed to work alongside humans, typically assisting
them with specific processes rather than autonomously executing end-to-end
workflows. These robots are triggered or activated by human input and may require
human guidance or decision-making during their execution.

Key characteristics of attended robots:

•    Human Interaction: Attended bots often involve direct interaction with human
users. They may be initiated by a user or work in conjunction with users to
complete tasks.
•    User Guidance: These robots may require input or guidance from human
users, especially when dealing with tasks that involve subjective decision-making
or handling exceptions.
•    Real-time Operation: Attended robots often operate in real-time, responding
to user actions or events in the user interface. They can be seen as on-demand
assistants that execute specific tasks as needed.
•    User Interface Accessibility: Attended robots are designed to interact with
applications through the same user interfaces that humans use. They can mimic
mouse clicks, keyboard inputs, and other actions within applications.
•    Enhanced Productivity: The goal of attended robots is to enhance the
productivity of human workers by automating routine and repetitive tasks,
allowing humans to focus on more complex and value-added activities.