Sentinel SmartManager updates
- Vision report and Shield report now includes a hyperlink in the windows id(NT Id) field, activating it provides a detaied view with last seen and system details.
- Vision report and Shield report now includes an additional filter option "Manager wise" for viewing team members by supervisors.
- Vision report now uses a default 8 hour duration for calculating the percentage of photos and anomalies detected for any specific day (shift).
- New column Version has been added to show the product version that is installed for the user.
- Active shift reporting will now happen based on current time instead of calculating for the entier 8 hour duration of shift.
- Vision works for count will now include only users with either in Online or Offline status. Users with Issue and Pending registration are excluded
- Defect in Anomaly review and re-classification has been fixed. So, when supervisors classify an image as invalid, it will automatically be removed from anomaly report.
- Snap requency is now shown on top of the vision grid to know how many photos are captured for a set period.
- Masterdata schedule upload now includes additional validation to avoid incorrect uploads and accidental user removal from the platform.
Administration changes
- Settings copy optin provided to easily copy existing settings file for new product versions.
- Mywork list default grid listing is now based on last modified date. So, last updated record will list first in the grid by default.
Release date