Sentinel.AI Consent form

I <Employee Name>, employed with Sutherland Global Services Private Ltd., understand, agree and consent to the following:

  1. Sutherland has a legitimate business interest to accommodate its own internal policies and customer requirements and hence may install applications in my desktop/laptop and work stations to reveal my presence during work, my work space through pictures and other bio metric data (“Information”) at regular intervals (every minute, every hour or as needed.).
  2. I understand that this Information is being collected for the purpose of monitoring my presence during my work hours and the ongoing compliance with my obligations under Sutherland’s Information Security policy, Remote Work Policy, Code of Conduct, my confidentiality and non-disclosure undertakings, my employment contract, and any other confidentiality and data security commitment agreed by me towards Sutherland or its clients.
  3. This Information will only be used for the purpose identified in Section 2 above and not for any other purposes. This Information will be kept confidential by Sutherland and shared only with such of its personnel or third-party agencies that has a need to know this information. 
  4. This Information may be shared by Sutherland with its clients upon request, under similar obligations of confidentiality. 
  5. Sutherland may disclose this Information as required to comply with binding orders of governmental entities that have jurisdiction over it.
  6. Sutherland will store this Information in a secure location for a period of 1 (one) year from its creation, or any longer period as may be required or permitted by applicable law. 
  7. I agree that this surveillance will not be construed as a violation of my privacy rights as long as they are used for Sutherland’s legitimate business needs as mentioned in Section 1 above.