PDF to Text Extract


When to use PdfToTextExtract Activity

Use this activity when you want to extract text from a specified page from a given PDF Document. Text from the same page or from different pages can be extracted, using this activity.

Figure 1


Drag and drop a PdfToTextExtract activity into the GetPdfObjects drop zone. As soon as you drag and drop a PdfToTextExtract, the Extract Text Screen will be enabled.

Figure 2


It contains all details, such as, all the page numbers in the selected PDF document, and its subsequent text height, width, etc. It comprises of an output window as well, where the selected text can be previewed before saving.

Figure 3


After choosing the page number, select the text. It can be previewed in the Output window. Click on the Save button. The corresponding details will get auto populated in the Property window. Create a variable in the Result tab of the Output Field.

Figure 4


Drag and Drop a WriteLine activity form the Primitives package and pass the variable. Execute.

Figure 5


The selected text will be extracted.

Figure 6


 In this manner, you can extract text from the same page or text from a different page.

Figure 7

