MicrosoftComputerVision - Introduction

MicrosoftComputerVision - An Overview

Extract Valuable Information from Images

Boost content identification accelerate text extraction and create products that more people can use by embedding vision capabilities in your apps. Use visual data processing to label content, from objects to concepts, extract printed and handwritten text, recognize familiar subjects like brands and landmarks and moderate content. No machine learning expertise required.

Deploy anywhere, from the cloud to the edge.

Run Computer Vision in the cloud or on-premises with containers. Apply it to diverse scenarios, like healthcare record image analysis, where data security and low latency are paramount.


Create a Microsoft Account to get the Service URL and the Key by using the following link:

The following will be required to be keyed in for all activities under the Microsoft Computer Vision package.

Service URL:

Key:            596b88c3d8404ef9a7244e836e0ef720

Image Requirements

It works with images that meet the following requirements:

  • The image must be presented in JPEG, PNG, BMP, PDF, or TIFF format
  • The dimensions of the image must be between 50 x 50 and 10000 x 10000 pixels. PDF pages must be 17 x 17 inches or smaller
  • The file size of the image must be less than 20 megabytes (MB)


Please contact the Microsoft Computer Vision support team to learn of the latest information for subscribers and non-subscribers.


Release date