RobilityManager Updates


This release includes bug fixes to improve your experience and expand your
capabilities on our platform.

Introduction of new feature in Interact Menu:

•    Import/Export: With this feature, users can seamlessly transfer Interact
configurations from one project to another, streamlining the process of
replicating settings or configurations across various projects between
the tenants.
•    Live Report: Instantly generate live transaction reports for a dynamic
overview. Stay informed and make timely decisions with real-time functionality.

Bug Fixes

1.    Report: Schedule Report
•    Resolved an issue where the mandatory symbol was not present.
•    Fixed the URN number display issue in Excel.
•    Addressed problems with scheduled reports not functioning.
•    Rectified the mismatch in download times for scheduled reports.
2.    URN Management:
•    Fixed the display issue of URN list and backpush options when opening the
Filter option.
•    Corrected the impact of URN Management eye field changes on all queues.
•    Resolved the presence of duplicate fields in the eye icon list for Back push,
Unlocker, and History.
•    Fixed the Filter in Review & URN Management, which was displaying all
options even when fields were not present in the table.
•    Addressed the date field display issue in URN Management.
•    Rectified the non-functionality of updating the field according to the rule
when submitting the URN.
•    Fixed the issue related to back push row selection.
3.    Project Configuration:
•    Business rules now correctly disallow Rejected Queue as a source queue.
•    Business rules now correctly disallow Completed Queue as a source queue.
•    Resolved the issue where two rules with the same source and different
destinations were allowed.
•    Addressed a problem where page fields were not functioning correctly in
Project Configuration.
•    Resolved an issue with the Import option not working as expected in
Project Configuration.
•    Corrected the presence of the Import option across all options in
Project Configuration.
4.    Report: Live Report
•    Live Report Queue Dropdown: Both Taxonym and its review are now
correctly presented in the dropdown.
•    Taxonym Queue Export Issue: Resolved the problem where selecting
Taxonym queue prevented Excel export.
•    Live Report - User Track Queue Display: Fixed the issue where the user track
queue name was not displayed correctly in the Live Report.
•    Live Report - Fields Issue: Rectified a problem related to fields in the Live
•    Incorrect Validation Message: Addressed the occurrence of a wrong
validation message in the Live Report.
5.    Other Fixes
•    Edit Role Dropdown: Fixed display issues during role editing.
•    Resource & Template Page: Resolved overlapping elements and
restored missing horizontal scroll bar.

Release date