

V. 2.0.2

This version has been released with some enhancements and bug fixes. 

Bug fix

  • Added validation for GetAttribute to check if the attribute value is empty.


  • Removed the extension folder validation logic. Now based on registry
    entries we are checking if the extension is installed or not.



JSON is frequently employed for transmitting data between servers and clients, as well as
for interchanging information among various components within an application.

JSON data is structured as an assemblage of key-value pairs, with each key being a string
and each corresponding value capable of being a string, number, boolean, array, object,
or null.

A valid JSON file should look like the below example.
"{'Project': 'key': 'Activation': 'Manager'}"

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You can find all the latest updates on the features and activities here. Search for your activity
and upgrade to the latest version in the Designer. 


More Info

FTP Automation

In this version, there have been made a few bug fixes and enhancements.


The "Remove directory" activity was not able to remove directories that contained subfolders.
The directory will be removed even if it contains multiple directories.

Bug fixes

"Remove directory", "Upload file" and "Directory exists" activities had mismatched field names.
This has now been resolved. 

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