Add Complete Transaction

When to use the Add Complete Transaction activity

When you want to create transaction during the run time this activity can be used. A wizard guides you to complete the activity designing.

Figure 1

Activity Name





Drag and drop the add complete transaction into the flowchart, a wizard screen pops up as shown below,

Figure 2

API Connect

The unique API URL input shall be available in the project setup menu,

SmartInteractà ConfigurationàProject SetupàChoose the project from the dropdownàStep 10 API Key


Figure 3



URL key are environment specific, copy the appropriate key and paste it to the API URL field in the wizard.

Figure 4

API Key connect

Click on the connect option.

The activity holds the provision for the user to choose the transaction mode,

  1. Bulk upload
  2. Add Programmatically

Figure 5

Transaction mode

Bulk Upload

Click on the bulk upload option to insert multiple transactions, which will re-direct you to choose the from and the target queue to which the transaction needs to be uploaded.

Figure 6

Bulk upload From queue

Figure 7

Bulk upload target queue

On selecting the from and target queue, click on the search option.

Figure 8

Template browser

Browse and choose the template file that contains the transaction details. 

A pop up appears for the user to allow or remove duplicate from the template.

Figure 9

Duplicate row

A grid is displayed with the template details to map fields configured for the project.

Figure 10

Filed mapping

Map the fields against the column available in the template.

Figure 11

Field Mapping 2

After mapping the fields click on the save option.

Figure 12

Field Mapping 3

Technical Reference

Tech ref

Add Programmatically

1. Click on the add programmatically option to insert transaction.

Figure 14

single transaction

2. Choose the from and target queue

Figure 15

Add programmatically 1

The next screen populates the fields configured for the project,

Figure 16

Add programmatically 2

Scenario 1:

a) If you prefer to create a transaction within an existing batch ID, check the Add existing Batch ID option.

b) A new field Batch ID gets displayed in the wizard, enter the Batch id to which the URN needs to be mapped.

Figure 17

Add programmatically 3

c) In case of the user preferring to give customized variable names for each field choose Manually, create variables and map.

Figure 18

Manual creation

d) Click save option post entering the variables names to create the same.

In case of the user preferring to auto create variables choose Auto create variables and map where the variables get automatically created with the configured field names.

Figure 19

Auto create

Click save option to complete action.

Figure 20



Scenario 2:

If the user does not prefer to create the transaction within an existing batch id, please follow steps C and D from scenario 1.

Technical Reference

Tech ref 2

Note: The Map fields option available in the Auto create variables gets enabled only when the fields within a group are chosen to be repeated while configuring. 

The CSV details parameter is applicable only for the above mentioned scenario.