

In this version, we've rolled out an update (version packed with
improvements to elevate user experience.


1. New Roles: Enhanced management levels for both tenant and
project roles. Explore more details on our Documentation portal.

2. Interact:

·         Review Page: The landing page of the review section does not
display any default data. We have streamlined the process,
requiring the selection of the respective queue first to view the data.

·         Project Configuration: Introducing a handy feature in "Project
configuration" – now you can effortlessly copy Interact configurations
between projects.

3. Marketplace: Discover our latest addition, the "Marketplace" feature, live
in the application. It acts as a centralized hub for various RPA-related objects.
For more guidance, refer to our documentation portal.

4. Admin: We've revamped the organization! Find the "Licenses, Features,
and User tracking" menus conveniently located under the "Admin" page. This
area is accessible exclusively for tenant-level users.

Release date